Nisarg Patel
Aspiring Computer Science Student and Passionate Web Developer
About Me
About Me
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I am a third year Computer Science student at University of Victoria, Canada. I love to create beautiful websites in my free time that are interactive and fun to use!

I enjoy working in agile groups because the energetic work environment makes me more productive. However, I also love to work individually since I can solve problems on my own as I tackle them.

I always keep learning new things. I just started to learn Android Development and have created an app. If you wish to know more about it, please feel free to check out my Github

Free Time? Web Design!
Web Designer
Android Developer
Started Learning Android Development
You are always a student
Always Keep Learning
Team Work
Best way to boost productivity, Teamwork.
Android Developer Web Designer Team Work Always Keep Learning
These are my skills rated based on the review from my friends, my performance in Academics and the feedback I get from the websites I have made. I have tried to be as precise as possible in rating them. I always keep working on my skills but there are some which I'm actively working on. Those skills are represented by the active bars.
Web Design
Programming Languages
C Programming
Softwares and Tools
Android Studio
Linux CLI

These are some of the academic courses I took in University. The information in the Slideshow portrays what I learnt in the course. Brief course information is in the table. I have added the course number in case you really want to know more about the course. The colors roughly indicate my performance in the course. Green is good, red is bad.

  • Learned about data structures in Java and OOP in general like trees, linked lists and such.
  • Coded efficient algorithms as part of assignments.
  • This course helped me get comfortable with the Objects that are essential in everyday programming.
  • HCI is Human Computer Interaction. It mainly focuses on UI/UX of a website or app.
  • Gained a lot of experience on UI/UX by doing group projects that focused on Design.
  • This course gave me insights on how the User Interface of anything you develop should be and what to look out for.
  • Finite State Machines, NP-Complete problems, Pushdown Automata and such were the topics
  • Learned a lot about how the computers work using the concept of Turing machines.
  • This course showed me how a device that we use everyday works from within. This was one hard course to be honest.
  • Learned about how OSes handle files, how a kernel works, history of OS and so on.
  • Coded efficient algorithms for performing diferent CPU schedulings like FCFS, RR etc. in C
  • This course gave me more knowledge about the inside of OSes like Microsoft, Linux and how they work in VMs.
  • Studied and wrote efficient queries in postreSQL to perform different actions on DB.
  • Learned about grant diagrams used for understanding access grants on DB, how huge DBs work and so on.
  • Studied Crash Resiliancy and what to do when a DB crashes.
  • This course helped me know more about the Database Systems.
  • Had a couple of phases namely requirements, design, analysis and so on.
  • Worked on a group project on a real client's problem. Helped me gain experience with elicitations and polished my interpersonal skills.
  • This course helped me gain more experience on working with groups and how to gather requirements and work on a solution using agile methodology.
Name Description
ALGORITHMS UVic CSC 225/226. Java programming, using and implementing various data structures.
HCI UVic SENG 310. Human computer Interaction mainly focused on the UI/UX and the design of websites and apps.
THEORY Uvic CSC 320. Theory of Comp Sci involved Turing machines, Finite automata and other theoretical concepts.
OS UVic CSC 360. Operating Systems mainly discussed various OS concepts like scheduling, virtulization, kernel etc.
DBMS UVic CSC 370. Database Systems was the programming of databases i.e. writing queries in postgreSQL
ANALYSIS UVic CSC 375. System Analysis focused on a typical software develpoment cycle.
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